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Perception of direct sound, early reflections, andreverberation in auralizations of sparsely measuredbinaural room impulse responses

Binaural auralization applying binaural room impulse responses (BRIRs) requires a high measurement effort and immense computing capacity when rendered with maximum spatial resolution. In this study, we conducted an adaptive ABX listening test to determine the minimum grid resolution (i.e., the spatial resolution) of BRIRs sufficient to achieve an auralization indistinguishable from an auralization of BRIRs with maximum grid resolution. The sparse BRIR sets were calculated by spatial subsampling of dense BRIR sets in the spherical harmonics (SH)-domain. We determined perceptual thresholds separately for the direct sound, early rejections, and reverberation for four different measured rooms. The results show that whereas the direct sound requires a grid resolution corresponding to an SH order of 9 to 13, the early rejections and the reverberation can be reduced significantly to the SH order 4.


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