Advertising in the AES Journal

Advertising messages must be relevant to the interests of the Society, and be related to professional products and services in keeping the with purposes and content of the Journal.

For more information, send us an email

The Journal of the Audio Engineering Society is the official publication of the Audio Engineering Society. First published in 1953, it is now issued ten times a year. The content is in keeping with the purpose of the Society (see Section 11A). All advertising must comply with the Publications Policy (see Sections 9 and 11B).

1. Advertising Rates

                         1x        3x       5x      10x
   Page              $1150.00  $1104.00 $1058.00 $1012.00
   2/3 Page            958.00    920.00   882.00   843.00
   1/2 Page Island     863.00    828.00   794.00   759.00
   1/2 Page            767.00    736.00   705.00   675.00
   1/3 Page Island     671.00    644.00   617.00   590.00
   1/3 Page            575.00    552.00   529.00   506.00
   1/6 Page            345.00    331.00   317.00   304.00

2. Color Rates per Page or Fraction

Process or AAAA Standard Colors, $500.00 extra per color; matched colors $550.00 extra per color; 4 colors (process) $1850.00 extra per page or fraction.

3. Bleed Charge

$95.00 per page.

4. Position in the Journal
No guaranteed special positions. The Editor reserves the right to position advertisements in the Journal according to his best judgment and accepted publication makeup practices. Want ads are posted to the AES web site at no extra charge; see more

5. Short Rates and Rebates

Advertisers will be short rated if within a 12-month period from the date of the first insertion, they do not use the amount of space upon which their billings have been established. Advertisers will be rebated if within a 12-month period from the date of the first insertion, they have used sufficient additional space to warrant a lower rate than that for which they have been billed.

6. Discounts

Agency commission is 15% to accredited agencies. Sustaining Members receive a 10% discount on advertising. Exhibitors at AES conventions receive a 15% discount on advertising in the preconvention issue and a 10% discount on advertising in all other issues.

7. Issue and Closing Dates

Published monthly on the 15th of the publication month, except combined issues of January/February and July/August issued February 1st and August 1st, respectively.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                   Insertion Order    Material
    Issue          Deadline           Deadline
    Jan/Feb        December 2         December 9
    March          January 15         January 22
    April          February 14        February 21
    May            March 14           March 21
    June           April 14           April 21
    Jul/Aug        June 2             June 9
    September      July 14            July 21
    October        August 15          August 22
    November       September 15       September 22
    December       October 15         October 22
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

8. Production Specifications

A. Mechanical Requirements

     Publication trim size:  8 1/4" by 11"
                             (209.6 mm x 279.4 mm)
     Column width: 2 1/8" (54.0 mm), 3-column format
                   3 1/4" (82.6 mm), 2-column format
     Binding method: side stitched, Offset, sheetfed      

                          Add Space Size
    SpaceUnit                 Width                    Depth
    Page             8 1/8" (206.375 mm)   10 7/8" (276.225 mm)  without bleed
    Page             8 3/8" (212.725 mm)   11 1/8" (282.575 mm)  with bleed
    2/3 Vertical      4 9/16" (115.9 mm)         10" (254.0 mm)                 
    1/2 Island        4 9/16" (115.9 mm)     7 7/16" (188.9 mm)               
    1/2 Vertical        3 1/4" (82.6 mm)         10" (254.0 mm)                 
    1/2 Horizontal         7" (177.8 mm)      4 7/8" (123.8 mm)                   
    1/3 Island        4 9/16" (115.9 mm)      4 7/8" (123.8 mm)               
    1/3 Vertical        2 1/8" (54.0 mm)         10" (254.0 mm)                 
    1/3 Horizontal         7" (177.8 mm)       3 1/4" (82.6 mm)                   
    1/6 Vertical        2 1/8" (54.0 mm)      4 7/8" (123.8 mm)   

B. Negatives

One-piece negative, right-reading emulsion side down preferred. Artwork and repros are acceptable; cost of producing negative will be charged to advertiser.

C. Proofs

Four-color progressive proofs preferred with four-color advertisements for better reproduction.
Proofs preferred with black and white ads.

D. Electronic Submissions

Complete ads should be sent as PDF or EPS files with all fonts embedded. Photo resolution must be at least 300 dpi in CYMK or greyscale. Graphics should be saved as Tiff or Pic files; no JPEGs. Please do not email files larger than 1 Mbyte; mail or courier larger files on Zip disks.

E. Bleed Sizes

When trimmed, pages are 8 1/4 x 11″ (209.6 mm x 279.4 mm). Negatives for bleed pages should be 8 3/8″ (212.7 mm) wide x 11 1/4″ (285.8 mm) deep, which allows 1/8″ (3.2 mm) at top, bottom, and outer edge for trim. Essential elements (copy and illustrations) should be kept 7/16″ (10.1 mm) from gutter edge because of side stitching. Bleed spread size is 16 3/4″ x 11 1/4″ (425.5 mm x 285.8 mm). Because negative for 2-page spread will be cut at the gutter edge, essential elements should be kept 7/16″ (10.1 mm) from either side of gutter.

F. Inserts

Loosely inserted advertising, and bound-in advertising which is not printed on stock similar to that of the Journal, cannot be accepted.

9. Contract and Copy Regulations

Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for all content (including text, representation, and illustrations) of ads printed, and also indemnify the publisher from any claims arising therefrom made against the publisher.

Content of all advertisements is subject to approval by the publisher. The publisher reserves the right to reject any ad which it is felt does not conform to the Publications Policy of the Audio Engineering Society (see Section 11B).

The Journal of the Audio Engineering Society is listed in SRDS, Business Publications under Radio & Television – 122.

10. Inquiries, Orders and Production Materials

Journal of the Audio Engineering Society

Tel: (212) 661-8528

For more information, send us an email

11. Audio Engineering Society, Inc.

A. Purpose
The Audio Engineering Society is organized for the purpose of uniting persons performing professional services in the audio engineering field and its allied arts, of collecting, collating, and disseminating scientific knowledge in the field of audio engineering and its allied arts, of advancing such sciences in both theoretical and practical applications, and of preparing, publishing, and distributing literature and periodicals relative to the foregoing purposes and policies.

B. Publications Policy on Advertising (Excerpted from the AES Publications Policy, approved by the Board of Governors.)

STYLE: All advertisements to be published by the Audio Engineering Society shall conform to the following general requirements…. The Editor will exercise his best efforts in implementing this policy, and the Society reserves the right to reject any advertising which conflicts with the following requirements:
RELEVANT: Advertising messages must be relevant to the interests of the Society, i.e., related to professional products and services in keeping with the purposes and content of the Journal. Advertisements shall not include irrelevant elements such as sex symbols or insinuating copy intended to sell products through unrelated emotional appeal.
ACCURATE: Advertisements should be accurate. They must not contain misleading or exaggerated claims about the products or services of the firm itself, or those of its competitors. (The Society will not knowingly accept inaccurate advertising.)
NO DISPARAGEMENT: Advertisements shall not contain unfair or misleading comparisons, nor statements or implications that disparage, attack, or reflect adversely on the products and services of others.
GOOD TASTE: Copy and pictorial elements must be in good taste according to the customs of the Society and the character of the Journal.
USE OF SOCIETY’S NAME: Advertisements must not in any way use the Society’s name, initials or symbol, or quotations or statements relating to the AES or its Journal, without prior written permission from the Editor.

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