History of the Audio Engineering Society
The history of the Audio Engineering Society, from its founding in 1948 thru the year 1997, was written by the then-Chair of the AES Historical Committee Donald J Plunkett. It was published in the AES Journal in the 1998 January “Commemorative” issue, and is now contained in the AES Electronic Library.
We make that history available here by permission of the AES Journal. It consists of four parts, with the file sizes as shown below. Note that these PDF files contain an OCR scan (Adobe calls it “Paper Capture”), so you can use the Acrobat “find” to search these files — for instance, for the name of an awardee, etc.
The Society's history has been updated in the online documents shown with the Plunkett papers.
Donald J Plunkett, ” Reminiscences on the Founding and Development of the Society“, from J Audio Eng Soc Vol 46 Nr 1/2, pp. 5, 6; 1998 Jan/Feb (3.9 MB)
Donald J Plunkett, ” Officers/Governors/Editors 1949…1998” and 1998…2004, from J Audio Eng Soc Vol 46 Nr 1/2, pp. 7…12; 1998 Jan/Feb (1.1 MB), with an addendum in 2004.
Donald J Plunkett, ” Conventions and Conferences 1949…1997” [number, date, location, and chairman], from J Audio Eng Soc Vol 46 Nr 1/2, pp. 13…16; 1998 Jan/Feb (1.3 MB)
AES Conventions and Conferences Before 1998 [number, date, and location]
AES Conventions and Conferences 1997 to Present, plus Future [number, date, location, and a link to the convention program]
Convention Reports, 111th to Present, and Conference Reports, 21st to Present (by Convention number, scanned from the Journal)
All Award Recipients, 1949 to Present , online list, sortable by Name, Award, or Date
[The online list is an updated and corrected version of Donald J Plunkett, “Audio Engineering Society Awards Recipients and Awards Program” [1949…1997] , from J Audio Eng Soc Vol 46 Nr 1/2, pp. 17…26; 1998 Jan/Feb (2.4 MB)]
All four of the Plunkett papers are Copyright © 1998 Audio Engineering Society. This material is posted here with permission of the AES. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the Audio Engineering Society: contact Bill McQuaide.
By choosing to view these documents, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting them.
J. McKnight, Chair, AES Historical Committee
2004-06-28, rev 2004-07-08, rev 2004-07-16, rev 2004-08-02