AES Board & Staff

The governing body of the AES is the Board of Directors, with responsibility for the overall function and direction of the Society. Each Director is also a member of the larger Board of Governors, along with regional Vice Presidents and Governors at large. Each of these volunteer Board members are elected by the voting membership of the Society to manage AES business, membership, events, publications and online resources with the assistance of the Society’s volunteer-led topical committees. Daily administrative affairs at the Society’s headquarters are managed by a full-time Executive Director appointed by the corporate officers, and the AES Headquarters staff.

Board of Directors



Gary Gottlieb


Brecht De Man

Past President

Leslie Gaston-Bird


Valerie Tyler


Glenn Lorbecki


Bill Schulenburg


Marcela Zorro

Board of Governors

Vice- Presidents

Western Region, USA/Canada

David v.R. Bowles

Northern Region, Europe

Jamie Angus-Whiteoak

Latin American Region

Jorge Azama

Central Region, USA/Canada

Bill Schulenburg

Central Region, Europe

Ewa Lukasik

Asia-Pacific Region

Kazuhiko Kawahara

Eastern Region, USA/Canada

Angela Piva

Southern Europe/Middle East/
Africa Region

Huseyin Hacihabiboglu


Lenise Bent

Bruce Olson

Brett Leonard

Mary Mazurek

Joshua Reiss

Jiayue Cecilia Wu

Merlijn van Veen

Malik Williams

Standing Committee Chairs



Glenn Lorbecki



Bruce Olson

Board of Tellers


Gary Louie

Alternate, Board of Tellers

Chris Freitag

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion


Mary Mazurek

Cecilia Wu



Ian Corbett

Angela Piva

Vice-Chair (Asia)

Kazuhiko Kawahara

Vice-Chair (Latin America)

Marcela Zorro

Vice-Chair (Europe)

Vanessa Garde

Vice-Chair (Student Design Competition)

Christoph Thompson

Vice-Chair (Student Recording Competition)

Miles Fulwider

Vice-Chair (Student Recording Competition)

Kia Eshghi


Chairs, Events Coordination Committee

Agnieszka Roginska

Brett Leonard

Conference Committee

Brecht De Man – Chair 

Bill Foster – Chair Emeritus

Chair, Convention Committee

Jeanne Montalvo

Chair, Training & Development Committee

Brad Swanson



Brad McCoy

Chair Emeritus

William Wray

Vice-Chair Web/IT

Scott Burgess

Vice-Chair Oral History

Dan Mortensen

Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 


Vesa Välimäki

Laws & Resolutions


Jan Abilgaard Pedersen


Brecht DeMan



Jessica Livingston



Leslie Gaston Bird

Publications Policy


Areti Andreopoulou

Braxton Boren

Regions & Sections


Cesar Lamschtein



Bruce Olson


Jeff Berryman

Technical Council


Rafael Kassier

Lesley Fogle


Jayant Datta


Operations: The Executive Director serves as staff liaison to the President and Board of Directors helping provide strategic guidance for the society as well as Board development. The operations team is responsible for managing the affairs of the society including financial management (along with the Treasurer), maintaining/enforcing the Bylaws, policies, goals, and objectives of the society, and general management and implementation of the daily programs, services, activities, and administration.

Executive Director

Emily Burch

Associate Director

Megan Stewart

Training & Development Manager

Vincenzo Nelli

Standards Manager

Richard Cabot

IT Manager

Sean Coffers

Director of Finance 

Cecilia Mason

Membership: The membership team is responsible for the overall membership strategy and primary contacts to address and serve the membership needs. Key responsibilities: general member needs and requests, log-in help, membership & registration setup and processing and reporting, database management, regions & sections, etc.

Membership Manager

Lashonda Winston

Membership Coordinator

Amanda Pomerantz

Marketing & Communications: The creative team is responsible for the overall strategy and implementation of AES marketing, communications, and public relations for members and the broader community. Key responsibilities: Creative design, member communications, social media, press relations, website maintenance and support, etc.

AVP of Marketing

Kelly Reynolds

Sponsorship, Exhibit & Advertising Sales: The sales team is responsible for vendor relationships including sustaining membership, exhibits, sponsorship, and advertising.

Sales Director

Holly Klarman

Director, Client Partnership and Performance
Brooke Jordan

Event Logistics: The events team will work directly with venues to organize the logistical aspects of AES conventions, conferences, and events. Key responsibilities: Convention logistics, venue contracts, exhibit management & fulfillment, site and hotel selection, onsite registration, etc.

Director of Events

Ashleigh Yelovich

Sr. Manager of Events

Kaleigh Matyas

Sr. Exhibits Manager

Stacy Kyle

More Information

Information on AES Technical Council and Committees


Information on Standards Committee officers, subcommittees, and working groups


Correspondence to AES officers and committee chairs should be addressed to them via the appropriate email form or via the society’s international headquarters:


Audio Engineering Society, Inc.
697 3rd Avenue, Suite 405 NY,
NY 10017

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