Areas of Concentration
AES TC-AC is the Audio Engineering Society’s Technical Committee on Audio for Cinema.
Reporting to the AES Technical Council (TCL), the primary focus of TC-AC is on developing technical publications, paper sessions, tutorials, workshops and conferences in areas across the complete motion-picture audio supply chain from production through to cinematic exhibition.
TC-AC’s membership is drawn from a wide set of disciplines representing many key stakeholders of the motion-picture industry and is well placed to act as a hub for liaison, discussion, education, and coordination where necessary on topics and issues that impact the global industry as a whole.
New members are always welcome.
Current Areas Of Work
- Cinema Loudness:
Following the initial conclusions of much expert debate and the results of a number of surveys, AES TC-AC is currently bringing together work-in-progress straw-man presentation document that aims to define the problem of inappropriate loudness in cinema with the view to canvas input from key stakeholders and obtain buy-in on what the most effective step-by-step remedies might be in.
- Quarterly Plenary Meetings:
We meet for 90 minutes on the 2nd Thursday of the first month of each quarter (January, April, July, and October) typically using Zoom. - Ad-Hoc Meetings:
Additional meetings between quarterly meetings as necessary either as the plenary TC or as ad-hoc task groups. - In-Person Conference Meetings:
In-Person Conference Meetings may occur in addition to or instead of a quarterly depending upon timing.
These documents do not necessarily express the official position of the AES on the issues discussed at these meetings, and only represent the views of committee members participating in the discussion. Any unauthorized use of these publications is prohibited. Authorization must be obtained from the Executive Director of the AES: Email, Tel: +1 212 661 8528, Address: 551 Fifth Ave., Suite 1225, New York, New York 10176, USA.
2022-7-27 TC-AC Meeting Minutes 2022-07-14
Description: Meeting held on July 14, 2022
2022-6-7 TC-AC Meeting Minutes 2022-06-02 Rev. 3
Description: Meeting held on June 02, 2022
2022-6-3 TC-AC Meeting Minutes 2021-11-10
Description: Meeting held on November 10, 2021
2022-6-3 TC-AC Meeting Minutes 2021-07-28
Description: Meeting held on July 28, 2021
2020-7-1 TC-AC Meeting Minutes 06-08-20
Description: Minutes of TC-AC Committee Meeting at 148th Convention, Vienna | June 08, 2020
2020-7-1 TC-AC Meeting Minutes 01-06-20
Description: Minutes of TC-AC Committee Meeting | January 16, 2020
2020-7-1 TC-AC Meeting Minutes 10-17-19
Description: Minutes of TC-AC Committee Meeting at 147th Convention, New York | October 17, 2019
2020-7-1 TC-AC Meeting Minutes 05-23-19
Description: Minutes of TC-AC Committee Meeting held on May 23, 2019
2020-7-1 TC-AC Meeting Minutes 03-22-19
Description: Minutes of TC-AC Committee Meeting at 146th Convention, Dublin | March 22, 2019
2018-11-30 Meeting minutes
Description: 19 October 2018 – AES NY
2017-10-18 TC-AC meeting minutes 5_July_2017
Description: TC-AC meeting 5th July2017
2017-3-22 Meeting Minutes AES 141-LA September 2016
Description: Minutes of TC-AC meeting at 141st Convention
2013-7-11 Loudness Metering
Description: Engineering Brief presented at Rome 134 by Alessandro Travaglini
2013-7-11 HELM: High Efficiency Loudness Model for Broadcast Content
Description: Paper from Budapest 132 on HELM: High Efficiency Loudness Model for Broadcast Content, submitted by Alessandro Travaglini, et. al.
2013-7-11 Defining the Listening Comfort Zone in Broadcasting through the analysis of the Maximum Loudness Levels
Description: Paper presented at Budapest 132 by Alessandro Travaglini, et. al. on loudness broadcast issues
2012-4-27 Cinema & Home Theater Audio Compatibility
Description: “Implications of Standards Changes in Cinema Sound on DVD and Home Theater” Wilfried Van Baelen
2012-4-21 A New Draught Proposal for the Calibration of Sound in Cinema Rooms
Description: A New Draft Proposal for the Calibration of Sound in Cinema Rooms from Philip Newell
2012-4-15 Is the X Curve Damaging Our Enjoyment of Cinema?
Description: A technical examination of the theory behind the X-curve. Paper originally given to SMPTE 2011 Sydney Conference by Glenn Leembruggen
2012-4-11 Dr. Toole Presentation on Cinema Audio
Description: A PowerPoint presentation prepared by Dr. Floyd Toole concerning issues of audio reproduction and the current standards
2012-4-11 Newell et. al. Cinema Standardization V.2
Description: Reference documents from Philip Newell et. al. on Cinema Standardization
2020-7-1 Request For Proposal
Description: TC-AC Cinema Loudness – Control and Conformance Request For Proposal | September 2019
2020-7-1 TC-AC Mission Statement
Description: Overview of functions to be undertaken by the Audio for Cinema Committee
2015-4-21 TC SDCTV Agenda Warsaw
Description: Agenda for TC Meeting in Warsaw, Poland
2015-4-21 138th/TC-SDCTV Agenda
Description: Agenda for the SDCTV Committee meeting at the 138th Convention
2014-7-10 Nordtest Room Calibration Method
Description: This documents the Nordtest method of in-situ measurements of permanently installed public address systems, submitted to SC-04-08 by Mr. Brixen. This document was suggested by chair Ben Kok as a good starting point for comment and revision as the Standards group works towards a cinema sound calibration Standard.
2013-10-11 TC-SDCTV 135 Agenda (v2.0)
Description: Second draft version of TC Agenda for New York 135th Convention
2013-9-10 AES 135 TC AGENDA (V1.0)
Description: Agenda for TC meeting in New York
2013-7-11 High Efficiency Loudness Model
Description: Powerpoint from Alessandro Travaglini, et. al. for reference in Cinema Loudness Group
Description: One additional discussion item added under “Immersive Audio”
2013-4-20 ROME AGENDA – TC-SDCTV v3
Description: Updated version 3 of agenda for TC meeting in Rome, Italy
Description: Draft agenda for our TC meeting in Rome, Italy during the 134th Convention.
Description: Revised meeting agenda for TC meeting at San Francisco convention. Meeting time scheduled for Sunday, Oct 28, at 9AM.
2012-10-1 TC SDCTV Meeting Agenda (v1.0)
Description: Proposed agenda for the TC Sound for Digital Cinema and Television. Note a discussion on room measurement techniques and sound system performance may be proposed to become standards work
2012-4-11 Budapest April 28 Agenda
Description: Agenda for Budapest TC Meeting of this Group
Committee Members
Floyd Toole
Peter Mapp
Garry Margolis
David Weinberg
Scott Norcross
Nuno Fonseca
Vene Garcia
Ron Lagerlof
Paul Keller
Eelco Grimm
Alan Haigh
Brian Vessa
Richard Van Everdingen
Bert Van Daele
Miles Rogers
M.K. Ramkrishnan
Rod Elliott
Chuck Mulhearn
Steve Haas
Lon Neumann
John Murray
Julian Pinn
Andrew Poulain
Roger Dressler
Mark Mayfield
Steven Ghouti
Stephanie Willis
Arjun Demeyere
Kurt M. Graffy
Robert Ellis-Geiger
Kevin Gross
David Murphy
Andreas Floros
Charles van Winkle
Steve Martz
Linda Gedemer
Carlos Ronconi
Curt Hoyt
David Revel
Kazuho Ono
Kent Siew
Wilfried Van Baelen
Mark Genfan
Peter Soper
Steve Strassberg
John Burnett
Brian Claypool
Michael Karagosian
Bruce Black
Phillip Williams
Kate Tary
Dr. Gerhard Bauer
Michael Kratschmer
Frédéric Sauvé
Reginald Walsan
Neil A. Shaw
Robert Schulein
Glenn A. Leembruggen
Philip Newell
Esben Skovenborg
Jeff Levison
Phil Manchester
Dmitri Chernov
Robert Lee
Gunter Oehme
Florian Camerer
Alessandro Travaglini
Sean Richardson
Shusen WANG
Jennifer Rarick
Darren Ma
Bob Claeys
Nicolas Hamon
Ioan Allen
Douglas Greenfield
Charles Robinson
Sunil G. Bharitkar
Tamas Szekely
Fei Yu
Paul Tapper
Shawn Nageli
Samuel Nucach