Richard C. Heyser Memorial Lecture Series

The Lecture Series

The Richard C. Heyser Memorial Lecture series was established in May 1999 by the AES Technical Council, the Board of Governors, and the Richard Heyser Scholarship Fund to honor the extensive contribution to the Society by this outstanding man, widely known for his ability to communicate new and complex technical ideas with great clarity and patience. The Heyser Series is an endowment for lectures that will bring to AES conventions eminent individuals in audio engineering and related fields.

List of Distinguished Lecturers

Photographs of Distinguished Lecturers

The Lecture Series

Memorial Lecture at 154th: Jamie Angus-Whiteoak / The Ear is not a Fourier Transformer

May 13-15, 2023

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Memorial Lecture at 153rd: Gilbert Soulodre / A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Heyser Lecture – The Twists and Turns of a Career in Audio

October 19-20, 2022

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Memorial Lecture at 152nd: Diemer de Vries / Wave Field Synthesis – Just A Wave … or a Durable Synthesizer in the Audio Field?

May 7-8, 2022

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Memorial Lecture at 151st: John M. Chowning / Part 2: Implementing FM Sound Synthesis

AES 151st Convention October 20-23, 2021

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Time Delay Spectrometry: An Anthology

An anthology of the works of Richard C. Heyser on measurement, analysis and perception

Richard Heyser – The Man

Richard C. Heyser

1931 – 1987

Dick Heyser, president-elect of the Audio Engineering Society when he died in 1987, was an active member of the AES for almost three decades. He served as AES governor and at various times held all elected positions. Born in Chicago in 1931, he received a B.S.E.E degree from the University of Arizona and an M.S.E.E. degree from the California Institute of Technology. In 1956 he joined Caltech’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, where he worked his entire career. His work involved communication and instrumentation design for all the major space programs at JPL, beginning with America’s first satellite, Explorer I.

Dick Heyser loved audio engineering. Although his job at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory was not directly involved in the field of audio engineering, he spent his vacations attending AES conventions and built an extensive acoustics laboratory in his home. He published a number of papers in the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society and served as a reviewer for the Journal. A fellow of the AES and the Acoustical Society of America, he was awarded nine patents in the field of audio and communication techniques, including time-delay spectrometry. His friends and colleagues universally admired his creative mind, his kindness, and his modesty.

His own words, from the preface of the paper he was preparing at the time of his death, best express the compass he used in his research: “Perhaps more than any other discipline, audio engineering involves not only purely objective characterization but also subjective interpretations. It is the listening experience, that personal and most private sensation, which is the intended result of our labors in audio engineering. No technical measurement, however glorified with mathematics, can escape that fact.”

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