Home / AES: Recording and Technology Practices
Microphone selection and collection is easier, more fun, and more effective when informed by a deep understanding of their history.
by Jörg Wuttke, Ulrich Apel, Sean Davies, Stephan Peus
Find out how to use EQ properly from the professor who wrote Wthe book.
by Alex Case
3) The Growing Importance of Mastering in the Home Studio Era
Learn about mastering for home studios.
by Andres Mayo
Immersive Audio Featured at AES 140th Convention, Paris
AES Workshops and Tutorials in the Immersive Audio Track will highlight the current state of the art plus leading edge research in surround sound and 3D recording and reproduction practices.
MixViz: A Tool to Visualize Masking in Audio Mixes
A real-time audio production tool is developed to help users visually detect and eliminate masking in audio mixes.
by Jon Ford, Mark Cartwright, Bryan Pardo
AES65-2012: Connector for surround microphones.
This standard specifies a connector type and contact assignment for microphones having up to six balanced analog output channels, as used in surround sound applications.
AES-11id-2006 (r2012): AES Information document for preservation of audio recordings.
This information document provides guidelines for archivists faced with storing a variety of audio, still image and moving image media in a single storage environment.
Technical Committee on Recording Technology and Practices
The committee offers the expertise of its international members, representing the professional studio community, to the research, development, and manufacturing segments of the Society. It aims to collaborate with other technical committees in establishing equipment evaluation and testing procedures that reflect the real-world conditions of professional use. It seeks to evaluate and recommend procedures and practices relevant to production, as well as to suggest new tools and areas of investigation essential to the advancement of professional audio production. The committee intends to become a forum that networks members of other professional organizations.