Memorial Lecture at 139th: Bruce Koenig / Acoustic Forensic Gunshot Analysis — The Kennedy Assassination and Beyond

AES 139th Convention
Javits Convention Center, New York, USA.
October 29–November 1, 2015

Former FBI agent and forensic consultant, Bruce Koenig, will illuminate the mysteries of acoustic gunshot analysis, which first drew public attention with the examinations of a police department recording made during President John F. Kennedy’s assassination in Dallas, Texas in 1963. He’ll explain the audio tests performed in those examinations and shed light on controversial cases, such as recent police shootings. Koenig will offer insights on the use of critical listening, high-resolution waveform, spectrographic, narrow-band spectrum, energy contour, and statistical analyses, as well as giving his views on the latest developments in the field. He concludes with a look at the research needed to move acoustic gunshot analysis forward in coming years.



Bruce E. Koenig is a private consultant, examiner, researcher, and founder of the forensic, audio/video/image consulting company BEK TEK LLC. From 1974-1995 he was Supervisory Special Agent, Engineering Section, with the FBI. He has conducted examinations on over 17,500 separate audio and video recordings, and separate images, in over 5,700 criminal, civil, and administrative matters, including over 2800 authenticity analyses, the enhancement of over 9000 recordings, over 5700 signal analysis determinations, and over 2100 voice comparisons/examinations. In addition to this he has published 45 peer-reviewed papers in the field. Mr Koenig has instructed personnel in the FBI, other Federal agencies, state, local, and foreign law enforcement departments, and private consultants in forensic analysis procedures. He was involved in the enhancement examination of President Richard M. Nixon’s White House recordings, including the “Watergate tapes”; the gunshot analyses in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and the attempted assassination of Ronald W. Reagan


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