Peer Reviewed Papers (Category 1)
Authors are asked to submit a complete manuscript of 4-10 pages to the submission site by March 10, 2023. These complete manuscript papers will be reviewed by at least two experts in the field and the authors will be notified of acceptance by April 4, 2023. Final manuscripts with revisions requested by the reviewers have to be submitted before May 5, 2023.
Papers that are not accepted for Category 1, will be given the opportunity to present them as Category 2 papers.
Abstract Reviewed Papers (Category 2)
Authors are asked to submit an abstract to the submission site by March 10, 2023. The abstracts will be reviewed by at least two experts in the field and authors will be notified of acceptance by April 4, 2023. Final manuscripts have to be submitted before May 5, 2023.
Please contact Conference Paper Chair Melissa Widzinski if you have any queries about paper submissions.
Downloadable templates are available to accepted authors in the submission website.
**IMPORTANT NOTE** There have been some issues reported with the Latex templates. In your Overleaf project, if you delete the file latexrelease.sty so that the compiler can use the updated version
Workshops will complement the conference paper sessions by providing panel discussions, presentations and lectures led by experts in the field. These events will provide in-depth yet practical discussions related to audio archiving, preservation, and restoration while demonstrating the application of practical science in real-word scenarios. Workshop proposals should include: title, abstract (60 to 120 words), and description (up to 500). The description should include the number and names of presenters involved, format of the presentation (single presenter, panel, round-table, etc.), preferred duration of the presentation, and a list of topics to be covered and technical requirements. The Workshop submission deadline is March 10, 2023. Notices of accepted workshops will be sent out no later than April 4, 2023.
Please contact Workshops Co-Chairs Konrad Strauss and Toby Seay if you have any queries about workshop submissions.
Submitting a Proposal
Proposals are to be submitted electronically.
Peer-reviewed and Abstract Papers
(Note that the submission site login is NOT the same as your AES login. You will need to create an EasyChair account if you have not submitted via that platform before.)