AES 2023 International Conference on Audio Archiving, Preservation & Restoration

Call for Submissions

The Audio Engineering Society is pleased to announce its International Conference on Audio Archiving, Preservation & Restoration.

This conference presents a remarkable opportunity to bring researchers and practitioners together for three days.
During the Conference we will discuss critical preservation issues and focus on strategies, that will support and encourage collaboration and interoperability between industry and the preservation, restoration and archiving communities.

Updated: April 12, 2023


Key Details:

AES 2023 International Conference on Audio Archiving, Preservation & Restoration

US Library of Congress National Conservation Center
Culpeper, VA
June 1 - 3, 2023

Contribution Key Details:

Key dates:

Peer Reviewed Full Paper (Category 1)
Submission Deadline


Abstract Reviewed Paper (Category 2)
Submission Deadline


Papers Acceptance Decision (Categories 1 & 2)

April 4, 2023

Papers Final Manuscript Deadline (Categories 1 & 2)

May 5, 2023

Workshops Submission Deadline


Workshops Acceptance Decision

April 4, 2023

Quick Links

Submit a  Paper – submissions closed

Submit a Workshop – submissions closed

Updated March 14, 2023

Submission Guidelines

Peer Reviewed Papers (Category 1)
Authors are asked to submit a complete manuscript of 4-10 pages to the submission site by March 10, 2023. These complete manuscript papers will be reviewed by at least two experts in the field and the authors will be notified of acceptance by April 4, 2023. Final manuscripts with revisions requested by the reviewers have to be submitted before May 5, 2023.

Papers that are not accepted for Category 1, will be given the opportunity to present them as Category 2 papers.

Abstract Reviewed Papers (Category 2)

Authors are asked to submit an abstract to the submission site by March 10, 2023. The abstracts will be reviewed by at least two experts in the field and authors will be notified of acceptance by April 4, 2023. Final manuscripts have to be submitted before May 5, 2023.

Please contact Conference Paper Chair Melissa Widzinski if you have any queries about paper submissions.


Downloadable templates are available to accepted authors in the submission website.

**IMPORTANT NOTE** There have been some issues reported with the Latex templates. In your Overleaf project, if you delete the file latexrelease.sty so that the compiler can use the updated version

Workshops will complement the conference paper sessions by providing panel discussions, presentations and lectures led by experts in the field. These events will provide in-depth yet practical discussions related to audio archiving, preservation, and restoration while demonstrating the application of practical science in real-word scenarios.  Workshop proposals should include: title, abstract (60 to 120 words), and description (up to 500). The description should include the number and names of presenters involved, format of the presentation (single presenter, panel, round-table, etc.), preferred duration of the presentation, and a list of topics to be covered and technical requirements.  The Workshop submission deadline is March 10, 2023. Notices of accepted workshops will be sent out no later than April 4, 2023.

Please contact Workshops Co-Chairs Konrad Strauss and Toby Seay if you have any queries about workshop submissions.

Submitting a Proposal

Proposals are to be submitted electronically.

Peer-reviewed and Abstract Papers


(Note that the submission site login is NOT the same as your AES login. You will need to create an EasyChair account if you have not submitted via that platform before.)

List of Topics

Proposals describing work in any area of audio archiving, preservation, and restoration and related sciences will be considered for inclusion in conference sessions.
  • Digitization and restoration of historical obsolete disc formats. 
  • Optical capture of obsolete media.
  • Preservation and digitization of analog and digital multitrack recordings.
  • Handling and storage of analog audio carriers.
  • Physical/object based preservation & material science and new trends in material research.
  • Maintenance and restoration of legacy analog and digital audio equipment.
  • Digital tools for audio repair and restoration.
  • Best practices for creation, archiving, and preservation of born-digital assets and DAW-specific formats.
  • Public/Private collaboration for preservation, access, monetization of archives.
  • Copyright, rights, & access for archival holdings.
  • Re-release of out-of-print or never-released catalog.
  • Role of archives in preserving commercial audio recordings.
  • Best practices for metadata creation and capture.
  • Best practices for creation, archiving, and preservation of emerging audio formats such as immersive and virtual reality audio.
  • Education and curriculum for audio archiving and preservation.


Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings. The papers will be published in the AES E-Library no earlier than 10 days before the conference starts.

Open Access​

Authors will have the option of submitting Open Access papers. For further information see

Registration requirements

Peer Reviewed and Abstract Papers

Papers may be submitted by a single author or a group of authors. For each paper, a single “presenting author” is designated on the paper submission website – usually the person who will present the paper at the Conference. The presenting author will be required to pay a Presenting Author Fee at the following applicable rate:

  • AES members (Life member / Fellow / Member / Associate categories): $335
  • AES student members: $225
  • Non AES members: $460

These amounts are required payment for all Presenting Authors. No additional registration fee will be required. Presenting Authors payment instructions will be sent out with the acceptance information.

Authors presenting more than one paper in are only required to pay one Presenting Author Fee.

Co-authors of a paper are welcome, and encouraged, to attend but should register via the public registration website.


All Workshop presenters are required to pay a conference registration fee at the following applicable rate:

  • AES members (Life member / Fellow / Member / Associate categories): $225
  • Non AES members: $350

Instructions will be sent with the acceptance information.

Choose your country of residence from this list:

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