AES 2024 International Conference on Acoustics & Sound Reinforcement

Call for Submissions

Acoustics and sound reinforcement have evolved to highly technical fields. There is a need to share the latest research and innovation and to discuss the policies pertaining to this sector of the audio industry. The 4th International Audio Engineering Society Acoustics and Sound Reinforcement Conference will focus on topics in electroacoustic system design, hearing safety, noise pollution, and the future of sound reinforcement. This conference aims to bring together the minds of leading researchers and practitioners to discuss novel ideas and to foster the next generation of innovators in the industry through the promotion of inclusivity and diversity through student initiatives. We look forward to an exciting week of paper sessions, panels, and tours along with hands-on workshops in partnership with the Le Mans Sonore, an event happening in parallel to the conference which sits at the crossroads of music, design, contemporary art, and scientific research.

Updated: November 6, 2023


Key Details:

Key dates:

Note: This is an in-person event only, there will be no online presentations.

Sponsored Student Scholarship Application Deadline


Peer Reviewed Paper (Category 1)
Submission Deadline


Peer Reviewed Paper (Category 1)  Acceptance Notification


Papers Final Manuscript Deadline


(Note that the submission site login is NOT the same as your AES login. You will need to create an EasyChair account if you have not submitted via that platform before.)

Updated: November 6, 2023

Sponsored Student Scholarships

A total of four sponsored student scholarships will be awarded for the conference.

Two “Student General Attendance” scholarships will be awarded to applicants that demonstrate a financial need and interest in contributing or learning about the acoustics and sound reinforcement community.

  • Two “Contributing Student Author” Scholarships will be awarded to applicants that have submitted or plan to submit a paper for the conference, that also demonstrate a financial need. 

Recipients will receive the following:

  • One “On-Time” registration cost for one student delegate. (If the recipient registers late, they will not receive additional funds. If the recipient has registered for the conference prior to receiving the scholarship, the registration fee will be reimbursed. This fee will include membership dues if the recipient is not already an AES member)
  • A $500.00 USD stipend to be used for travel expenses in the form of reimbursement after the conference with submission of cost to the AES ASR 2024 Scholarship Committee. 

Requirements include:

  • Proof of student status at a school or university (copy of student ID, transcript, official letter from university, etc.)
  • Demonstration of financial need
Applications are closed.


Submission Guidelines

The Audio Engineering Society is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in the audio community. We encourage submissions to AES events from all audio professionals. We welcome diverse genres, embrace emergent audio fields and research, and strive to radiate inclusiveness to all.

Proposals describing work in the area of Acoustics and Sound Reinforcement will be considered for inclusion in the conference sessions. A detailed list of proposed topics is given below. Please also take the time to review the AES Convention and Conference Author Guidelines before submitting.

Call for Papers

Papers Co-Chairs: Elena Shabalina and Adam Hill  (contact papers co-chairs)

Peer Reviewed Papers (Category 1)

Authors were asked to submit a complete manuscript of 8-10 pages to the submission site by September 22, 2023. These complete manuscript papers will be reviewed by at least two experts in the field and the authors will be notified of acceptance by October 2, 2023. Final manuscripts with revisions requested by the reviewers have to be submitted before December 4, 2023.

We will be using blind reviews for this Conference.

Downloadable Templates

AES uses blind reviewing, there is no field for author names on the templates. Please do not put author names. New templates will be sent at the time of acceptance,  to authors whose papers are accepted.

Download the LaTeX template here. 
Download the Word template here.


There have been some issues reported with the LaTeX templates. In your Overleaf project, if you delete the file latexrelease.sty so that the compiler can use the updated version that has been installed in the system itself, the project should compile without errors.


Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings. The papers will be published in the AES E-Library no earlier than 10 days before the conference starts.

AES Conference and Convention papers are also listed in Scopus.

Open Access

Authors will have the option of submitting Open Access papers. For further information see

Proposed Topics

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Electroacoustic system design

  • Transducers
  • Sound system measurement and optimization
  • Room acoustics and metamaterials
  • Electroacoustic modeling
  • Room acoustic design for sound reinforcement
  • Case studies

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Hearing safety and noise pollution

  • Outdoor sound propagation
  • Hearing health and protection
  • Noise pollution modeling and management
  • Active noise control
  • Case studies

Thursday, January 25, 2024

The future of sound reinforcement

  • Immersive audio system design and optimization
  • Immersive audio for large scale sound reinforcement
  • Next generation sound reinforcement technology
  • VR, AR and XR for concert venues and events
  • Case studies

Registration Requirements

Peer Reviewed Papers

Papers may be submitted by a single author or a group of authors. For each paper, a single “presenting author” is designated on the paper submission website – usually the person who will present the paper at the Conference. The presenting author will be required to pay a Presenting Author Fee at the following reduced rates:

  • AES members (Life member/Fellow/Member/Associate categories): $475
  • AES Student members: $275
  • Non AES members: $600

Authors presenting more than one paper are only required to pay one Presenting Author Fee.

Co-authors of a paper are welcome, and encouraged, to attend but should register via the public registration website.

Presenting Authors will receive registrations instructions with their acceptance notice.

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