- Jun 18 - 19 2019
- Expired!
- All Day
2019 AES International Conference On Audio Forensics
Co-Chair: Aníbal Ferreira, University of Porto, Portugal
Co-Chair: Eddy Brixen, EBB Consult, Denmark
Papers Co-Chair: Douglas Lacey, BEK TEK LLC
Papers Co-Chair: Durand Begault, Audio Forensic Center, Charles M. Salter Assoc.
Workshops Co-Chair: Catalin Grigoras, National Center for Media Forensics, USA
Workshops Co-Chair: Diamantino Freitas, University of Porto, Portugal
Sponsorship Chair: Antonio J. de Oliveira, Audio Consultant, Portugal
Treasurer: José M. N. Vieira, University of Aveiro, Portugal
Website and Marketing: Jeff M. Smith, National Center for Media Forensics, USA
The AES International Conference on Audio Forensics is dedicated to exploring advances in the field of Audio Forensics by providing a platform for research related to the forensic application of speech/signal processing, acoustical analyses, audio authentication, and the examination of methodologies and best practices. This is the seventh AES conference devoted to the technical developments and practical approaches developing in the field of Audio Forensics (past conferences: 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2017). With increased participation at each offering, this conference is the hub for researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas and foster new approaches to address problems that are evolving every day. The conference program will include Paper presentations and discussions as well as Keynotes, Tutorials and Workshops on topics related to Forensic Audio.