- Apr 20 2024
- Expired!
- 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
AES San Francisco Section Event – Swap Meet
It’s time to dust off, spark to life, bundle up and trundle out that gear that’s been lurking in the corner, longing for use in some other studio, live rack, classroom or other loving home.
Hosted by the Audio Engineering Society San Francisco , this is a volunteer-run, not-for-profit, community event for music and audio industry professionals. All transactions are 100% buyer to seller, with no commissions. This event is open to non-AES members as well. Fine opportunity to hobnob with fellow knob-twiddlers and catch up on what colleagues are up to.
Learn more, get tickets, or register as a seller at https://aessf.org/event/swap-meet-2024
Time above listed in event local time.