A graphic with a blue background featuring the text 'SECTION EVENT' in bold letters, alongside the Audio Engineering Society logo


Dyson Library, 1st Floor, Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College, South Kensington, SW7 2DB, London


Dyson Library, 1st Floor, Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College, South Kensington, SW7 2DB, London



May 22 2024


1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

AES United Kingdom Section Event – Listen to Your Eyes: How Vision Can Influence Hearing

We effortlessly integrate varied information from different sensory systems to form our multisensory perception of the world. In fact, we are often unaware of the extent to which our senses interact. In this talk, Jenny Bizley, Professor of Auditory Neuroscience at the Imperial College London will discuss how sensory illusions can shed light onto multisensory integration and reveal the obligatory nature of audiovisual interactions. She will discuss how work over the last 15 years has forced us to re-evaluate our text-book understanding of the brain as having distinct regions devoted to processing each sensory modality and touch on some recent work from my lab that attempts to unpick how integrating visual information into early auditory processing supports listening.

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