Slate of Candidates for 2023 Election

Hand placing ballot in voting box with AES logo on box
March 31, 2023
The AES Nominations Committee announces the slate of candidates for terms beginning January 1, 2024.


Slate of Candidates for 2023 AES Election

In accordance with the AES Bylaws, the Nominations Committee hereby notifies all voting Members of the Audio Engineering Society that the following slate of candidates for terms beginning January 1, 2024 has been nominated by the Committee based upon submittals from membership:


Gary Gottlieb

Cesar Lamschtein



Glenn Lorbecki


Vice President: Asia-Pacific Region

Kazuhiko Kawahara

Yong Shen


Vice President: Central Region, Europe

Ewa Łukasik

Slawomir K. Zielinski


Vice President: Central Region, USA/Canada

Kerry J Haps

William Schulenburg


Vice President: Latin American Region

Jorge Azama

Ezequiel Morfi


Vice President: Southern Europe/Middle East/Africa Region

Huseyin Hacihabiboglu

Pedro Duarte Pestana


Governor (elect 3):

Lenise Bent

Charles Hughes

Mary Mazurek

Brett Leonard

Robert Schlette

Jiayue Cecilia Wu

In accordance with the AES Bylaws, any voting Member in good standing may propose additional candidates, in writing, for any of the offices listed on this slate, and the name of any candidate so proposed in writing by 100 or more qualified Members will also be entered on the ballot. Such additional nominations with appropriate biography and photograph must be received by the Secretary of the Society by Tuesday, May 2, 2023, 5:00 P.M. (Eastern U.S. time). The nominations may be mailed or emailed to the AES Secretary at Audio Engineering Society, 697 3rd Avenue, Suite 405, New York, New York 10017 U.S.A.; email

Full candidate biographies and position statements will be available on or before the start of the voting period.

The AES 2023 Election will take place between May 19, 2023 and June 30, 2023, online. Voting instructions with candidate bios and position statements will be emailed Friday, May 19, 2023 from Global Election Services, sending as “AES Election (”. Please ensure the AES has your correct email address and check your spam filter May 19 to allow you to receive your election materials, or check on the website.

Only individuals with Member status are allowed to vote in the election; associates and students may not vote. If you have not paid your dues for 2023 or wish to upgrade your status to Member in order to vote, you must do so no later than June 23, 2023, 5:00 P.M. Eastern. For assistance please contact

Respectfully submitted,

Josh Reiss,
Chair of the Nominations Committee 2023

AES Past President

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