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2025 Call for Nominations for Officers of the Board of Governors and Board of Directors
The Nominations Committee is at this time soliciting them names of Members to be considered for possible inclusion in the 2025 AES Elections as candidates for Board of Directors and Board of Governors roles. To aid in this task, the recommendations of all AES Members are welcomed.
The Board of Directors (BoD) is the governing body of the Society, while the Board of Governors (BoG) is tasked by the AES Bylaws with the management and support of the various AES Committees and AES Members. The titled AES officers on the BoD and the voting members of the BoG are elected by AES Members by online ballot. The Nominations Committee is the standing committee of the AES charged with presenting a slate of candidates for election.
To be eligible for nomination, a candidate must be either a Member or Fellow of the AES. Associate, Student and Honorary Members may not nominate, hold office or vote. Associate Members can apply for free to upgrade to Member at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MemberUpgrade. BoG candidates must be willing and able to attend the meeting of the Board of Governors associated with an AES event in Q4 each year if such is convened. Candidates must also be willing to participate in online meetings throughout their term of office. BoD candidates must be willing to meet on a more regular basis, generally online.
If you are a Member of the Society and wish to alert the Nominations Committee to a qualified Member as a potential candidate for any of the elective offices listed below, you can submit a nomination either online (highly preferred) or in writing. Online nominations require only that you enter the potential candidate’s membership number and select the proposed elected office.
Online nominations can be submitted here: https://aes2.org/nominations-2/. A Member having difficulties with the online nomination tool can contact Member Services at aes@aes.org.
Written nominations must supply the committee with the following information:
1) The name and membership number of the candidate whom you wish to propose.
2) Your name and membership number.
3) The elective office for which you wish to propose the individual as a candidate. It is essential that your candidate be qualified for the particular office.
A candidate will be required to supply ALL of the following information:
1) A biography indicating the candidate’s relevant experience and contributions to audio in general and to the Audio Engineering Society, in particular.
2) A signed statement by the candidate indicating a willingness to serve the Society and attend meetings as required by our bylaws, if elected.
3) A declaration of the candidate’s affiliation with any organization that might represent a potential conflict with the aims and objectives of the Society as a not-for-profit professional society as outlined in the bylaws.
In the 2025 AES Elections, the following positions will be on the ballot:
• President-Elect (to become President in the following year)
• Five Vice Presidents (one each for VP Central Region, USA/Canada, VP Central Region, Europe, VP Southern Europe/Middle East/Africa, VP Latin American Region, VP Asia-Pacific Region
• Three Governors at large.
Terms of office:
The term of office for the President-Elect, President, and immediate Past President of the Society shall be for one year. A newly elected President-Elect automatically moves through the three presidential roles over three years on the Board of Directors, followed by two years as a Governor. Secretary, Treasurer, Regional VPs and Governors serve two-year terms.
Duties and responsibilities per the AES Bylaws:
The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Society and shall have general and active management of the business of the Society subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and shall see that all orders and resolutions of the Board of Directors are carried into effect. The President shall also preside at the regular meetings of the Society, of the Board of Directors, and of the Board of Governors.
The President-Elect shall assist the President in the normal governance of the Society. Should the President become unable to fulfill the responsibilities of office due to absence or incapacitation, the Immediate Past President shall assume the duties of the presidency.
The Secretary shall be responsible for the recording of the minutes of the annual meeting of the Society and all meetings of the Board of Directors and the Board of Governors; shall have charge of the records and, in coordination with the Treasurer, the books of account of the Society; shall provide regular and timely reports of the actions of the Board of Directors to the Board of Governors; shall conduct the correspondence of the Society, the Board of Directors, and the Board of Governors; shall maintain and revise the Organization Guide of the Society pursuant to decisions by the Board of Directors.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for the supervision and management of the financial affairs of the Society; shall maintain procedures requiring that all funds received by the Society be deposited in an account (or accounts) designated by the Board of Directors; shall, in consultation with the Board of Directors and the Executive Director, contract with an independent auditing firm to audit the Society’s financial affairs on an annual basis and may contract with an independent accounting firm to assist in the keeping of the Society’s financial books and records of account. The Treasurer shall maintain transaction records of all of the Society’s accounts available for inspection by the Board of Directors; shall provide regular and timely budget projections and reports of the Society’s financial condition to the Board of Directors and Board of Governors.
The Regional Vice Presidents shall each serve the interests of those members, Sections, and Student Sections within their geographical area and assist in the development of new memberships (recruitment of new members), and the establishment and proper functioning of all Sections within their Regions.
Governors shall assist the Vice Presidents in the Regions in which they reside in the development and maintenance of the local Sections and activities within the Region; work with the Board of Governors to further the goals and activities of the Society as a whole; and participate in activities of the Society’s committees.
The AES makes a contribution toward the travel costs incurred by Board members in the course of their duties. More information about this and about the duties and responsibilities of Board members may be obtained from the Nominations Chair.
In no case does a submission to the Committee constitute any guarantee that the nominee will appear on the next Society election ballot.
Nominations must be received by February 03, 2025. Submit online at aes.org/nominations/submit (highly preferred) or send to Leslie Gaston-Bird, 2025 Nominations Committee Chair, Audio Engineering Society, 697 3rd Avenue, Suite 405, New York, NY 10017, USA, Phone: +1 212-661-8528, Email: leslie.gastonbird@aes.org.