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Considering high-resolution, multi-channel audio, it is worth re-examining the concept of psychoacoustically optimized noise shaping to ensure that signal quality is preserved when word-lengths are reduced. In this paper, approaches in static (time-invariant) and signal-adaptive (time-variant) noise shaping are discussed. We identify problems occurring when equal-loudness level contours such as the inverse F-weighting curve are used as a model for noise shaping. As a remedy, we present two alternative time-invariant filter designs. Regarding adaptive requantization, we introduce a noise shaper based on work by Verhelst and De Koning with an improved design of the time-variant filter. The paper concludes with a comparative evaluation based on listening tests with different transducers.
Author (s): Helmrich, Christian R.; Holters, Martin; Zölzer, Udo
Helmut Schmidt University, Hamburg; Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg
(See document for exact affiliation information.)
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High Resolution Audio
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Helmrich, Christian R.; Holters, Martin; Zölzer, Udo; 2007; Improved Psychoacoustic Noise Shaping for Requantization of High-Resolution Digital Audio [PDF]; Helmut Schmidt University, Hamburg; Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg; Paper 27; Available from: https://aes2.org/publications/elibrary-page/?id=13963
Helmrich, Christian R.; Holters, Martin; Zölzer, Udo; Improved Psychoacoustic Noise Shaping for Requantization of High-Resolution Digital Audio [PDF]; Helmut Schmidt University, Hamburg; Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg; Paper 27; 2007 Available: https://aes2.org/publications/elibrary-page/?id=13963
author={helmrich christian r. and holters martin and zölzer udo},
journal={journal of the audio engineering society},
title={improved psychoacoustic noise shaping for requantization of high-resolution digital audio},