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This paper describes the principles and design procedure of Multi-format-compatible Microphone Arrays for a range of different segment coverage angles and for Omnidirectional, Hypocardioid, Cardioid and Supercardioid microphones. At present the only practical solution available for the main microphone array for a multiple format recording is to use different microphone arrays for each of the required formats. This paper shows how this jungle of main microphone arrays can be replaced by a single 5 channel microphone array that will supply signals that are directly compatible with 5 standard formats : mono, two and three channel “stereo”, four channel “quadraphony”, and “multichannel” with the full 5 channels. The specific reproduction format can be chosen either during the production process as a function of the desired support media, or by the consumer from a multichannel media product according to their own particular listening configuration.
Author (s): Williams, Michael
Sounds of Scotland
(See document for exact affiliation information.)
AES Convention: 122
Paper Number:7057
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Multichannel Sound
Permalink: https://aes2.org/publications/elibrary-page/?id=14042
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Williams, Michael; 2007; Magic Arrays – Multichannel Microphone Array Design Applied to Microphone Arrays Generating Interformat Compatability [PDF]; Sounds of Scotland; Paper 7057; Available from: https://aes2.org/publications/elibrary-page/?id=14042
Williams, Michael; Magic Arrays – Multichannel Microphone Array Design Applied to Microphone Arrays Generating Interformat Compatability [PDF]; Sounds of Scotland; Paper 7057; 2007 Available: https://aes2.org/publications/elibrary-page/?id=14042