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The physical interaction between loudspeakers and the acoustics of the room in which they are positioned has been well established; however, the influence on listener preferences for loudspeakers that results from such variation in room acoustics has received little experimental verification. If listeners adapt to listening room acoustics relatively quickly, then room acoustic variation should not significantly influence loudspeaker preferences. In the current study, two groups of listeners were given differential exposure to listening room acoustics via a binaural room scanning (BRS) measurement and playback system. Although no significant difference in loudspeaker preference was found between these two groups of listeners, the room acoustic variation to which they were exposed did significantly influence loudspeaker preferences.
Author (s): Olive, Sean E.; Martens, William L.
McGill University
(See document for exact affiliation information.)
AES Convention: 123
Paper Number:7196
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Olive, Sean E.; Martens, William L.; 2007; Interaction between Loudspeakers and Room Acoustics Influences Loudspeaker Preferences in Multichannel Audio Reproduction [PDF]; McGill University; Paper 7196; Available from: https://aes2.org/publications/elibrary-page/?id=14254
Olive, Sean E.; Martens, William L.; Interaction between Loudspeakers and Room Acoustics Influences Loudspeaker Preferences in Multichannel Audio Reproduction [PDF]; McGill University; Paper 7196; 2007 Available: https://aes2.org/publications/elibrary-page/?id=14254
author={olive sean e. and martens william l.},
journal={journal of the audio engineering society},
title={interaction between loudspeakers and room acoustics influences loudspeaker preferences in multichannel audio reproduction},