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This paper proposes a new audio post-production tool for speech dereverberation that utilizes our previously proposed method. In previous studies, we proposed a single-channel dereverberation method as preprocessing of automatic speech recognition and reported its good performance. This paper focuses more on the improvement of the audible quality of the dereverberated signals. To achieve good dereverberation with less audible artifacts, the previously proposed dereverberation method is combined with post-processing that implicitly considers the perceptual masking property. The system has three adjustable parameters for controlling audible quality. With an informal evaluation, we found that the proposed tool allows the professional audio engineers to dereverberate a set of reverberant recordings efficiently.
Author (s): Kinoshita, Keisuke; Nakatani, Tomohiro; Miyoshi, Masato; Kubota, Toshiyuki
NTT Communication Science Laboratories; NTT Media Lab
(See document for exact affiliation information.)
AES Convention: 125
Paper Number:7615
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Spatial Audio Processing
Permalink: https://aes2.org/publications/elibrary-page/?id=14766
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Kinoshita, Keisuke; Nakatani, Tomohiro; Miyoshi, Masato; Kubota, Toshiyuki; 2008; A New Audio Postproduction Tool for Speech Dereverberation [PDF]; NTT Communication Science Laboratories; NTT Media Lab; Paper 7615; Available from: https://aes2.org/publications/elibrary-page/?id=14766
Kinoshita, Keisuke; Nakatani, Tomohiro; Miyoshi, Masato; Kubota, Toshiyuki; A New Audio Postproduction Tool for Speech Dereverberation [PDF]; NTT Communication Science Laboratories; NTT Media Lab; Paper 7615; 2008 Available: https://aes2.org/publications/elibrary-page/?id=14766