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During the last year, many research efforts have been directed to the refinement of sound source separation algorithms. However, little or no effort has been made to assess the impact of different spectral parameters as phase, magnitude and location of harmonic components in the resulting quality of the extracted signals. Recent developments in objective measures for sound quality that also fit subjective ratings have made this possible. This paper presents a study where spectral phase, magnitude and location of harmonic components are systematically changed to assess the impact of such variations in the perceived quality of extracted solo signals. To properly evaluate results, multi-track recordings that allow comparison with original tracks were used.
Author (s): Cano, Estefanía; Dittmar, Christian; Schuller, Gerald
Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT, Ilmenau, Germany
(See document for exact affiliation information.)
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Audio Source Separation
Permalink: https://aes2.org/publications/elibrary-page/?id=15959
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Cano, Estefanía; Dittmar, Christian; Schuller, Gerald; 2011; Influence of Phase, Magnitude and Location ofHarmonic Components in the Perceived Quality of Extracted Solo Signals [PDF]; Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT, Ilmenau, Germany; Paper 5-2; Available from: https://aes2.org/publications/elibrary-page/?id=15959
Cano, Estefanía; Dittmar, Christian; Schuller, Gerald; Influence of Phase, Magnitude and Location ofHarmonic Components in the Perceived Quality of Extracted Solo Signals [PDF]; Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT, Ilmenau, Germany; Paper 5-2; 2011 Available: https://aes2.org/publications/elibrary-page/?id=15959
author={cano estefanía and dittmar christian and schuller gerald},
journal={journal of the audio engineering society},
title={influence of phase, magnitude and location ofharmonic components in the perceived quality of extracted solo signals},