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On the Use of Small Microphone Arrays for Wave Field Synthesis Auralization

The synthesis of a captured sound field with preservation of its perceptual properties is called auralization. Data-based Wave Field Synthesis (WFS) auralization makes use of a set of measured impulse responses along an array of microphone positions. However, a considerable array size must be employed for having an appropriate angular resolution. In this paper, we explore the possibilities of time-frequency analysis for WFS auralization using the signals acquired from an array of closely-spaced microphones. The aim is to reproduce in WFS a sound scene captured by a small microphone array, while preserving the spatial impression of the original sound. To this end, time-frequency Direction-Of-Arrival (DOA) estimates are used to obtain a set of directional audio components extracted from the recorded microphone signals. These components are later synthesized as spatially distributed plane waves using WFS. As further refinement, an alternative rendering strategy using point sources is discussed, which seems to improve localization stability.


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