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When questioned as forensic evidence, audio recordings are frequently examined scientifically to insure that they have not been modified by being exported, edited, and then imported back to a recorder. For those recorders that use the Windows Media Audio (WMA) format, their authenticity can be determined, in part, by examination of the header data. Eleven audio recordings from three Olympus recorders were examined for changes in the digital header data, after being externally re-encoded by four common audio editing programs. All of the files were found to have undergone significant changes to the WMA header information by the re-encoding processes. Therefore, when conducting forensic authenticity analyses of WMA files, a detailed understanding of the header is required.
Author (s): Koenig, Bruce E.; Lacey, Douglas S.
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Koenig, Bruce E.; Lacey, Douglas S.; 2012; Forensic Authenticity Analyses of the Header Data in Re-Encoded WMA Files from Small Olympus Audio Recorders [PDF]; BEK TEK LLC, Clifton, VA, USA; Paper ; Available from: https://aes2.org/publications/elibrary-page/?id=16219
Koenig, Bruce E.; Lacey, Douglas S.; Forensic Authenticity Analyses of the Header Data in Re-Encoded WMA Files from Small Olympus Audio Recorders [PDF]; BEK TEK LLC, Clifton, VA, USA; Paper ; 2012 Available: https://aes2.org/publications/elibrary-page/?id=16219
author={koenig bruce e. and lacey douglas s.},
journal={journal of the audio engineering society},
title={forensic authenticity analyses of the header data in re-encoded wma files from small olympus audio recorders},