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The recent loudness measurement recommendations by the ITU and the EBU have gained widespread recognition in the broadcast community. The material it deals with is usually full-range mastered audio content, and its applicability to multitrack material is not yet clear. In the present work we investigate how well the evaluated perception of single track loudness agrees with the measured value as defined by ITU-R BS.1770. We analyze the underlying features that may be the cause for this disparity and propose some parameter alterations that might yield better results for multitrack material with minimal modification to their rating of broadcast content. The best parameter sets are then evaluated by a panel of experts in terms of how well they produce an equal-loudness multitrack mix and are shown to be significantly more successful.
Author (s): Pestana, Pedro Duarte; Reiss, Joshua D.; Barbosa, Alvaro
Research Center for Science and Technology of the Arts, Portguese Catholic University (CITAR-UCP), Almada, Portugal; CEAUL-FCUL; Queen Mary University of London, London, UK; Research Center for Science and Technology of the Arts, Portguese Catholic University (CITAR-UCP), Lisbon, Portugal
(See document for exact affiliation information.)
AES Convention: 134
Paper Number:8813
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Audio Signal Processing
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Pestana, Pedro Duarte; Reiss, Joshua D.; Barbosa, Alvaro; 2013; Loudness Measurement of Multitrack Audio Content Using Modifications of ITU-R BS.1770 [PDF]; Research Center for Science and Technology of the Arts, Portguese Catholic University (CITAR-UCP), Almada, Portugal; CEAUL-FCUL; Queen Mary University of London, London, UK; Research Center for Science and Technology of the Arts, Portguese Catholic University (CITAR-UCP), Lisbon, Portugal; Paper 8813; Available from: https://aes2.org/publications/elibrary-page/?id=16714
Pestana, Pedro Duarte; Reiss, Joshua D.; Barbosa, Alvaro; Loudness Measurement of Multitrack Audio Content Using Modifications of ITU-R BS.1770 [PDF]; Research Center for Science and Technology of the Arts, Portguese Catholic University (CITAR-UCP), Almada, Portugal; CEAUL-FCUL; Queen Mary University of London, London, UK; Research Center for Science and Technology of the Arts, Portguese Catholic University (CITAR-UCP), Lisbon, Portugal; Paper 8813; 2013 Available: https://aes2.org/publications/elibrary-page/?id=16714
author={pestana pedro duarte and reiss joshua d. and barbosa alvaro},
journal={journal of the audio engineering society},
title={loudness measurement of multitrack audio content using modifications of itu-r bs.1770},