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Music emotion recognition typically attempts to map audio features from music to a mood representation using machine learning techniques. In addition to having a good dataset, the key to a successful system is choosing the right inputs and outputs. Often, the inputs are based on a set of audio features extracted from a single software library, which may not be the most suitable combination. This paper describes how 47 different types of audio features were evaluated using a five-dimensional support vector regressor, trained and tested on production music, in order to find the combination which produces the best performance. The results show the minimum number of features that yield optimum performance, and which combinations are strongest for mood prediction.
Author (s): Baume, Chris; Fazekas, György; Barthet, Mathieu; Marston, David; Sandler, Mark
BBC R&D, London, UK; Queen Mary University of London, London, UK
(See document for exact affiliation information.)
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Machine Learning Methods for Audio Content Analysis
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Baume, Chris; Fazekas, György; Barthet, Mathieu; Marston, David; Sandler, Mark; 2014; Selection of Audio Features for Music Emotion Recognition Using Production Music [PDF]; BBC R&D, London, UK; Queen Mary University of London, London, UK; Paper P1-3; Available from: https://aes2.org/publications/elibrary-page/?id=17110
Baume, Chris; Fazekas, György; Barthet, Mathieu; Marston, David; Sandler, Mark; Selection of Audio Features for Music Emotion Recognition Using Production Music [PDF]; BBC R&D, London, UK; Queen Mary University of London, London, UK; Paper P1-3; 2014 Available: https://aes2.org/publications/elibrary-page/?id=17110
author={baume chris and fazekas györgy and barthet mathieu and marston david and sandler mark},
journal={journal of the audio engineering society},
title={selection of audio features for music emotion recognition using production music},