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Mid-Level Audio Features Based on Cascaded Harmonic-Residual-Percussive Separation

Harmonic-percussive separation is a technique that splits music recordings into harmonic and percussive components--it can be used as a preprocessing step to facilitate further tasks like key detection (harmonic component) or drum transcription (percussive component). We propose a cascaded harmonic-residual-percussive (HRP) procedure yielding a mid-level feature  to analyze musical phenomena like percussive event density, timbral changes, and homogeneous structural segments. We first outline the steps to compute cascaded HRP features (CHRP) and then illustrate their capabilities by means of three examples: to visualize percussive and noise-like properties of snare-drum playing techniques, to examine changes between harmonic and percussive timbres in electronic music, and to identify homogeneous, purely percussive passages in funk and soul recordings (also known as breaks).


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