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Evaluation of Player-Controlled Flute Timbre by Flute Players and Non-Flute Players

In order to investigate how flute players and non-flute players differ in the perception of the instrument, two listening experiments were carried out. The flute sounds were recorded to have changes in five levels of harmonic overtones energy levels played by three flute players. Through a listening experiment of attribute rating on “brightness,” the flute players were found to evaluate the stimuli “brighter” as the harmonic overtones energy decreased while the non-flute players evaluated inversely. Through the second listening experiment of pairwise global dissimilarity rating among the stimuli, two dimensions corresponding to the harmonic overtones energy levels and to the noise levels were found. The experience of the flute performance did not seem to affect the result. These results indicate that the experience of the flute performance seemed to affect the result only when evaluating the stimuli using the word “brightness.”


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