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This paper proposes “virtual hemispherical amplitude panning (VHAP),” which is an efficient 3D panning method exploiting the phantom image elevation effect. Research found that a phantom center image produced by two laterally placed loudspeakers would be localized above the listener. Based on this principle, VHAP attempts to position a phantom image over a virtual upper-hemisphere using just four ear-level loudspeakers placed at the listener’s left side, right side, front center, and back center. A constant-power amplitude panning law is applied among the four loudspeakers. A listening test was conducted to evaluate the localization performance of VHAP. Results indicate that the proposed method can enable one to locate a phantom image at various spherical coordinates in the upper hemisphere with some limitations in accuracy and resolution.
Author (s): Lee, Hyunkook; Johnson, Dale; Mironovs, Maksims
University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK
(See document for exact affiliation information.)
AES Convention: 144
Paper Number:9965
Publication Date:
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Session subject:
Spatial Audio-Part 2
Permalink: https://aes2.org/publications/elibrary-page/?id=19482
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Lee, Hyunkook; Johnson, Dale; Mironovs, Maksims; 2018; Virtual Hemispherical Amplitude Panning (VHAP): A Method for 3D Panning without Elevated Loudspeakers [PDF]; University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK; Paper 9965; Available from: https://aes2.org/publications/elibrary-page/?id=19482
Lee, Hyunkook; Johnson, Dale; Mironovs, Maksims; Virtual Hemispherical Amplitude Panning (VHAP): A Method for 3D Panning without Elevated Loudspeakers [PDF]; University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK; Paper 9965; 2018 Available: https://aes2.org/publications/elibrary-page/?id=19482
author={lee hyunkook and johnson dale and mironovs maksims},
journal={journal of the audio engineering society},
title={virtual hemispherical amplitude panning (vhap): a method for 3d panning without elevated loudspeakers},