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A shelving ?lter that exhibits an adjustable transition band is derived from a cascade of second order in?nite impulse response shelving ?lters. Two of three parameters, i.e. shelving level, transition slope and transition bandwidth, can be freely adjusted in order to describe the design speci?cations. The accuracy of the resulting response depends on the number of deployed biquads per octave. If this is set too small, deviations in level and bandwidth as well as a rippled slope can occur. The shelving ?lter cascade might be used in applications, that require a fractional-order slope in a certain bandwidth, such as for sound reinforcement system equalization, sound ?eld synthesis and audio production.
Author (s): Schultz, Frank; Hahn, Nara; Spors, Sascha
Institute of Communications Engineering, University of Rostock, Germany
(See document for exact affiliation information.)
AES Convention: 148
Paper Number:10339
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Posters: Signal Processing
Permalink: https://aes2.org/publications/elibrary-page/?id=20756
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Schultz, Frank; Hahn, Nara; Spors, Sascha; 2020; Shelving Filter Cascade with Adjustable Transition Slope and Bandwidth [PDF]; Institute of Communications Engineering, University of Rostock, Germany; Paper 10339; Available from: https://aes2.org/publications/elibrary-page/?id=20756
Schultz, Frank; Hahn, Nara; Spors, Sascha; Shelving Filter Cascade with Adjustable Transition Slope and Bandwidth [PDF]; Institute of Communications Engineering, University of Rostock, Germany; Paper 10339; 2020 Available: https://aes2.org/publications/elibrary-page/?id=20756