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Miniature Line Array for Immersive Sound Reinforcement

Progressively curved line-source arrays became state of the art in large-scale sound reinforcement as they are flexibly adapted to the listening area by well-chosen splay angles between individual elements in the chain of line-source loudspeakers. In cinema-sized sound reinforcement, point-source loudspeaker setups are still common, despite maybe difficult to adjust to designs targets suggested by current literature: 0 dB per doubling of the distance for ideally preserved direct sound mix, ?3 dB per doubling of the distance for ideally preserved envelopment. To explore how much practical benefit lies in pursuing these targets with smaller line arrays, this paper presents the open design for a miniature line array with 3D printed enclosure. Moreover, measured free field frequency responses, distortion, and directvity are discussed for an individual prototype element, and of the entire line array the coverage over distance is discussed for two target designs using a purely curved or curved and delayed array.


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