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This paper reports the results of an experimental investigation concerning the wear occasioned by the initial playing of a test record at various needle forces, using a technique which permits measurements prior to the -first- playing. In addition, the application of Buchmann-Meyer light patterns to the velocity calibration of stereo test records is discussed.
Author (s): Anderson, Roger
Shure Brothers, Inc., Evanston, IL
(See document for exact affiliation information.)
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Anderson, Roger; 1961; Some Aspects of Wear and Calibration of Test Records [PDF]; Shure Brothers, Inc., Evanston, IL; Paper ; Available from: https://aes2.org/publications/elibrary-page/?id=478
Anderson, Roger; Some Aspects of Wear and Calibration of Test Records [PDF]; Shure Brothers, Inc., Evanston, IL; Paper ; 1961 Available: https://aes2.org/publications/elibrary-page/?id=478