Open Access Publications Policy

V1.4.2 August 2020

The AES offers two routes to publishing in its Journal, conferences and conventions: the traditional publication route and “Gold” open access. Authors with a relevant open access mandate (e.g. from a funder or institution) may also use the “Green” option described below.

Traditional publication route (non-OA)

Under normal circumstances, the rights to all works published by the AES remain the property of the AES and all subsequent publication must have AES permission and acknowledgment. Copyright is transferred to the AES, and no fee is charged for publication. Articles published in this way are available to AES members, subscribers, and purchasers of AES publications.

Author-pays “Gold” OA

Under the author-pays “Gold” OA option, copyright in the article is transferred to the AES, and the final published version (PDF) of the article is made freely available for anyone to read. A paper opted for “Gold” OA will normally be charged an author processing charge (APC) to be paid by the author or the author’s sponsor (employer, funding agency, etc.). AES members and sustaining members receive a substantial discount. A current list of APCs for all types of publication is shown on the AES OA web page here.


If an author has paid the appropriate APC, AES will allow the author to make freely available from any web site, library, or document repository, the final published version of the paper, provided that a link and reference is shown to the AES published version, and only from the date of publication by AES.

If a convention/conference paper is made OA, and later submitted to the Journal in revised form, the author has to pay the difference between the APC of a Journal paper and the APC of a convention/conference paper before it can be published in the Journal.

Authors with a legitimate OA mandate may apply the Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 licence to the final published paper, and may request to retain copyright in the work. They may be asked to provide evidence of the research funder’s policy.

“Green” OA

Authors whose funding bodies or employers/institutions require it for compliance with open access mandates can use the so-called “Green” OA option.


Such authors may post the so-called Author’s Accepted Manuscript (AAM—the version of the manuscript finally accepted for publication, not presented in AES published graphical style or template) on personal websites, employers websites, institutional repositories, or funding agencies.

This can be done only after acceptance for publication. A link and reference to the AES published version should be shown as soon as possible. Posting of the publisher’s PDF is prohibited, except under the “Gold” OA route described above.


Authors with a legitimate OA mandate may apply the Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 licence to the AAM, and may request to retain copyright in the work. They may be asked to provide evidence of the research funder’s policy.


Preprints are authors’ manuscripts before they have been peer reviewed. They should not be presented in AES published graphical style or template. The AES will accept manuscripts for peer review that have also been posted to an archiving service, e.g. ArXiv, as preprints. There should be a clear citation acknowledging where and when such an article has been submitted for review (e.g. to the AES Journal). This citation should be updated if and when it is accepted, and when it is published

Fees and Paper Search

All of the Author fees are listed on the main Open Access page. You can also search across our database of OA papers on that page.


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