AES Standards Store

The following standards and information documents are published by the Audio Engineering Society. The latest printing will include all amendments and corrections and will be available within a week of its date.

PLEASE NOTE: These are copyrighted documents and are for the use of the original purchaser only. They must not be printed or circulated without the written permission of the AES Standards Committee. Any other use of AES standards information obtained from this website, including republishing or selling, is expressly forbidden.

PREVIEW extracts are provided without charge as a guide to the content of each standard.

For links to other standards organizations relevant to audio engineering, click here. For questions, please contact the AES Standards Secretary.

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Printing Date:
Publication History:
Published 2020
An AES67-2018 Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) documents the capabilities of an AES67 implementation. A PICS covers all aspects of AES67 standards compliance and runs to some 25 pages. This report describes a two page summary of the primary options and interoperability points documented in a completed PICS. Though neither precise nor complete, it is useful as a cover sheet for a published PICS and to help quickly assess interoperability capabilities between implementations.
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Downloadable PDF (1.06 MB)
$0 AES Member   $50 Non-Member

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