AES PICS Summary Repository


Downloadable Summaries

PICS Summaries are listed alphabetically by Vendor in the table below. Please note:

  • All PICS Summaries and descriptive information are supplied by the manufacturer.
  • The AES does not warrant the accuracy of the documents or descriptive information.
  • The AES67 standard is normative.
  • The AES-R19 report and the resulting PICS summaries are informative and are published here so users have a common place to obtain this information.
  • The PICS files may be viewed with Adobe Reader.

Use “File Save As” to download files from the following links

Vendor (Manufacturer)ModelVersionDescriptionPICS
AETAMultiScoop1.03.01Modular Multichannel CodecDownload
AETAScoopTeam1.104-position Commentary CodecDownload
ALC NetworXRAVENNA VSC1.18Virtual sound card for WindowsDownload
AuviTranAV-WALL2.054IO Wall PlateDownload
AuviTranAVDT-BOB3.017Mixing Break Out BoxDownload
AuviTranAxC-DANTE10.018Audio ToolBox CardDownlaod
DirectOutMONTONE.424.23MADI AoIP GatewayDownload
DirectOutRAV.IO0.21RAVENNA Interface CardDownload
HME Clear-ComEclipse HX12E-IPA-HX 64 AoIP Interface CardDownload
Merging TechnologiesALSA1.1Virtual Audio Driver (linux)Download
Merging TechnologiesANUBIS1.1Audio interface to and from AoIP for MonitoringDownload
Merging TechnologiesASIO12.5Virtual Audio Driver (windows)Download
Merging TechnologiesHAPI3.9Audio interface to and from AoIP for RecordingDownload
Merging TechnologiesHORUS3.9Audio interface to and from AoIP for RecordingDownload
Merging TechnologiesMassCore12.0Real Time AES67 Engine for WindowsDownload
Merging TechnologiesVAD Free2.1Virtual Audio Driver (mac)Download
Merging TechnologiesVAD2.0Virtual Audio Driver (mac)Download
Merging TechnologiesZMAN1.1AoIP Interface CardDownload
Ross VideoBACH Liberty2.3.2Pin Compatible Module to Dante Brooklyn IIDownload
Ross VideoBACH LVSC1.0.0Audio-Networking-Software-for-COTS-Linux-ComputingDownload
Ross VideoBACH Minuet3.2.4Audio Networking System on a ChipDownload
Ross VideoBACH OM-1283.2.4Audio Networking OEM SoMDownload
Ross VideoBACH OM-2563.2.4Audio Networking OEM SoMDownload
Ross VideoBACH OM-5120.9.0Audio Networking OEM SoMDownload
Ross VideoBACH OM-MADI1.0.1Audio Networking OEM SoMDownload
Ross VideoBach OM-PDK3.2.4Audio Networking OEM Customizable SoMDownload
Ross VideoIGGY-MADI1.0.0Compact Audio over IP MADI BridgeDownload
Ross VideoNEWT-IPR-3G-4S3.0.0Compact IP to 4x3G SDI Signal ConversionDownload
Ross VideoNEWT-IPR-UHD-H3.0.0Compact UHD IP to HDMI2.0 Signal ConversionDownload
Ross VideoNEWT-IPR-3G-4S3.0.0Compact 2in 2out SDI to IP Signal ConversionDownload
Ross VideoRAPTOR-IPG3.1.0openGear ST2110 SDI IP GatewayDownload
RTWTM7-RAV1.0TouchMonitor TM7-RAVDownload
RTWTM9-RAV1.0TouchMonitor TM9-RAVDownload
SOUND4BIG VOICE212 channel Voice ProcessorDownload
SOUND4FIRSTAll2-bands FMHD processorDownload
SOUND4IMPACT16 band FMHD processorDownload
SOUND4PULSEAll3-bands FMHD processorDownload
YamahaCL15.51Mixing ConsoleDownload
YamahaCL35.51Mixing ConsoleDownload
YamahaCL55.51Mixing ConsoleDownload
YamahaQL15.51Mixing ConsoleDownload
YamahaQL55.51Mixing ConsoleDownload
YamahaRi8-D5.1Input RackDownload
YamahaRio1608-D5.1IO RackDownload
YamahaRio1608-D21.5IO RackDownload
YamahaRio3224-D5.1IO RackDownload
YamahaRio3224-D21.5IO RackDownload
YamahaRMio64-D5.1IO RackDownload
YamahaRo8-D5.1Output RackDownload
YamahaRsio64-D5.1IO RackDownload

Submitting Summaries

PICS Summaries should be submitted to the AES Standards Manager by email at A blank PICS Summary form may be downloaded here at no cost. It may be completed using the free Adobe viewer.

The summary filename should follow the format below. It may not contain any of the following characters: \ / * ? ” < > : | ^


Use dashes between words of a vendor, product name, or description. Two dashes in a row will result in a dash in the text. Use underscores to separate the vendor, product, version and description information. This will enable parsing and creating the entries for the table. The vendor, product name, and version values should match the contents of the corresponding field in the PICS summary. The filename is limited to 192 characters.

For example, AES67-2018-PICS-Summary_Godzilla-Audio_EQ–4_1_Four-Channel-Equalizer.pdf

  • Vendor: Godzilla Audio
  • Product Name: EQ-4
  • Version: 1
  • Description: Four Channel Equalizer


After printing to the PDF we suggest making the following modifications to the PDF before sending it to us:

  • Add “AES67-2018-PICS-Summary_” to the beginning of the filename and replace the Title in Document Properties.
  • Replace the Author in Document Properties with the Vendor name used in the Filename.
  • Change the default Magnification to “Fit Page” on the Initial View tab of Document Properties.
  • Change the Window Options to Show the “Document Title” on the Initial View tab of Document Properties.


Then save the PDF with those changes and send it to

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