Home / Contributions / AES Europe 2025
Submission Deadline
January 31, 2025
Workshop acceptances emailed
March 17, 2025
Papers (Peer-Reviewed and Express) deadline
January 31, 2025
Peer Reviewed (Category 1) and Express Papers (Category 2) acceptances notification
March 10, 2025
Peer Reviewed (Category 1) and Express Papers (Categories 2) Final Manuscript Deadline
April 21, 2025
JAES Papers submission deadline
March 17, 2025
JAES Papers acceptance notification
April 5, 2025
(Note that the submission site login is NOT the same as your AES login. You will need to create an EasyChair account if you have not submitted via that platform before.)
The Audio Engineering Society is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in the audio community. We encourage submissions to AES events from all audio professionals. We welcome diverse genres, embrace emergent audio fields and research, and strive to radiate inclusiveness to all races, gender and gender identities, physical abilities, ages, and nationalities.
In an effort to demystify the submission process, AES partnered with Soundgirls to provide a webinar on “How to Submit a Paper.” If you have any questions or concerns regarding submissions, please feel free to reach out to the Co-Chairs at 158th_chairs@aes.org.
Workshops Co-Chairs: Paweł Małecki, Przemysław Plaskota and Bartłomiej Chojnacki (Contact Workshop Chairs)
Those wishing to submit proposals for technical sessions must complete the submission form in the AES 158th submission system for Workshops & Tutorials. These will be considered by the convention committee for suitability. For questions about this category of submission, contact the convention workshop co-chairs.
All Workshop and Tutorial presenters and panelists will receive 50% discounted registration price.
Additionally, before you submit, please review these guidelines.
Workshop Submission Proposal deadline: Sunday, March 17, 2025
Papers Co-Chairs: Sławomir Zieliński & Alicja Wieczorkowska (Contact Papers Chairs)
This contact link can also be used by anyone interested in serving as a paper reviewer. We will be using blind reviews for the 158th Convention.
Authors may submit proposals in one of three categories:
Submitting a Proposal
Proposals are to be submitted electronically:
Complete-manuscript peer-reviewed convention papers (Category 1)
For complete-manuscript peer-reviewed convention papers (Category 1), authors are asked to submit a 250 word abstract and complete paper (recommended length 6-10 pages) to the submission site by Friday, January 31, 2025. These complete-manuscript papers will be reviewed by at least two experts in the field, and authors will be notified of acceptance by March 10, 2025. Final manuscripts with the revisions requested by the reviewers are required to be uploaded by April 21, 2025.
Downloadable Templates
Peer Reviewed (Category 1) Word Template
Peer Reviewed (Category 1) LaTeX Template
Express Papers (Category 2)
For express papers (Category 2), authors are asked to submit an Abstract of 250-word and an Extended Summary of 300-750 words to indicate their desire to present an express paper (recommended length 4-8 pages for the final manuscript) by Friday, January 31, 2025. Submissions will be peer-reviewed based on merit and interest to the AES community and to ensure that any presentations will not be of a commercial nature. Topics for express papers can be very wide-ranging, encompassing experimental, application-driven and/or early-stage research. Authors will be notified of acceptance by March 17, 2025.
If your proposal is accepted and you agreed to provide a manuscript, the final manuscript must be uploaded by April 21, 2025 using one of the templates provided after acceptance. Guidelines are available here.
Downloadable Templates
Express Paper (Category 2) Word Template
Express Paper (Category 2) LaTeX Template
Authors of papers in the Journals of the AES will have the opportunity to present their work, subject to space availability and approval by the Papers Co-Chairs. Only papers published from March 2024 until January/February 2025 are eligible for presentation. The papers presented at the convention will neither be reviewed nor included in the proceedings.
The title and abstract of the JAES paper must be submitted to the 158th submission system for JAES papers by Monday, March 17, 2025. Authors will be notified of acceptance by April 5, 2025
Papers exceeding 10 pages run the risk of rejection without review. If such a paper is accepted the author will be charged a fee of $25 for every page over 10.
Papers may be submitted by a single author or a group of authors. For each paper, a single “presenting author” is designated on the paper submission website – usually the person who will present the paper at the Convention. The presenting author for each paper in categories 1 and 2 or JAES papers will be required to pay the Presenting Author Fee which will be less than the Early Bird general registration rate.
This payment is required for all presenting authors in categories 1 and 2. No additional registration fee will be required. All Presenting Authors will receive a free All Access Badge on payment of their Presenting Author Fee.
Presenting Authors, please wait for instructions that will be sent out with the acceptance information.
Authors presenting more than one paper in categories 1 and/or 2 are only required to pay one Presenting Author Fee.
Co-authors of a paper are welcome, and encouraged, to attend but will require an All-Access Badge to access the sessions.
*Note: While Life Members have the privilege of no-cost All Access registration, Life Members who are Presenting Authors in categories 1 and 2 are required to pay the Presenting Author Fee.
Publication in the E-Library
All convention papers will be available in the AES E-Library no earlier than 10 days before the convention starts. All individual AES members have free access to the E-Library. For any non-member author paying the non-member price, a year’s membership is included and will give them access to the Convention papers in the E-Library.
Open Access
Authors can pay an additional fee to make papers Open Access. See our Open Access page for more information.
Presenting authors who are student members and whose convention papers (Category 1 or Category 2) are accepted will be eligible for the Student Paper Award at the 158th Convention. Peer-reviewed (Category 1) papers are given preference by the award judges.
Presenting authors of accepted Category 1 papers will be eligible for the Best Peer-Reviewed Paper Award.
Acoustics of Music Rooms
Audio Applications and Technologies
Audio Content Management
Audio Processing
Audio Equipment
Immersive Audio
Recording, Production, and Reproduction