New York, NY, January 20, 2023 — The Audio Engineering Society has opened registration for the upcoming AES Europe 2023 Convention, set to take place at Aalto University, Espoo, Helsinki, Finland, May 13 – 15. This 75th anniversary year convention gathers top names and technologies from around the world for three days of presentations and events aimed at strengthening attendees’ audio knowledge and presence in the industry. Early Bird registration pricing, with special discounts for AES Members, is now available online, as well as the Call for Submissions for those looking to submit Papers, Workshops and Tutorials to be featured at this 154th International AES Convention.
Making its Finland debut, AES Europe 2023 will take place at Aalto University’s Dipoli Conference Centre in Espoo, Helsinki, Finland. This center of culture, education and events has the perfect mix of meeting rooms, auditorium and public spaces, all located within easy travel distance from nearby Kamppi and Helsinki. Detailed travel and hotel suggestions are available online. The AES Europe 2023 Convention organizing committee includes: Convention Chair Ville Pulkki; Papers Co-Chairs Nils Peters and Sebastian Schlecht; and Workshops Chair Aki Mäkivirta.
Preliminary program details include Keynote speaker Douglas Castro, CEO and Founder of Helsinki-based Neural DSP Technologies, an award-winning developer of digital effects and associated hardware to emulate real guitar and bass amplifiers using the latest signal processing and artificial intelligence technologies. Additionally, Castro founded Darkglass Electronics (acquired by Korg in 2022), specializing in distortion pedals, amplifiers and cabinets designed for heavy rock bassists. Two AES Europe 2023 social events have also been scheduled – an Archipelago Sightseeing Cruise and buffet on Saturday, May 13 (additional registration required), and an AES Student Party the following day.
This year’s official event sponsor is Finland-based AES Sustaining Member Genelec. Additional partner and sponsor opportunities are still available.
Registration and the latest details are available online at