AES Standards development – AESSC: Project Request Form


Any person can propose a project for the AES Standards Committee (AESSC). It will be considered by the relevant Subcommittee which may suggest amendments or clarifications before assigning the project to one of its working groups. The Subcommittee may also choose not to proceed with a submitted project, in which case an alternative subcommittee will be considered or the proposal will be declined. See supporting reference page(s).

Please provide as much detail as you can. Any missing items will be added by the Subcommittee during their appraisal.

Text fields in this form will accept text copied and pasted from other applications for convenience. Note that it is not important how this information reaches the secretariat: as an alternative to this on-line form, you may send the necessary information as plain text in an e-mail to:

    First we need to know something about you, the proposer items marked (*) will not be forwarded to the relevant Subcommittee:

    If you are submitting this application as an officer of an AES Standards Working Group, please identify it (for example, "SC-02-02"):

    Working Group

    Now tell us about the proposed project:


    Proposed Title

    Output intent(see reference for definitions):

    Output intent (see reference for definitions):

    StandardInformation DocumentReportLiaison

    Does a draft document already exist? If not, who has undertaken to prepare a first draft? :

    First draft

    Estimated date for completion:


    Does this proposal involve the use of patents, to the best of your knowledge?

    If so, please confirm that you have read the AESSC patent policy statement and, if you are responsible for any patent, indicate that you will be prepared to comply with this policy if the project should proceed. A formal statement is not required at this time.

    I have read the AESSC patent policy and agree to comply.



    Why is this project necessary or useful?

    Who benefits? Who will benefit from the output of this project?

    Related standards

    Which other standards will be directly related to this project?

    Which other groups are working in this area and might be contacted to improve the outcome of this project?

    Alternative standards body
    Which other standards bodies would be likely to be working on this topic?

    AES advantage
    Which special attribute do you feel the AES can offer to this work?

    Thank you for your contribution. If you have any questions, please consult the supporting documentation at, or contact the AESSC secretary at

    Choose your country of residence from this list:

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