This guide discusses the working group communication methods. It discusses e-mail, the private e-mail reflectors provided for each AESSC group, and the exchange of documents electronically through the AESSC secure document sites. It also discusses appropriate file formats for draft documents and file-name conventions.
Progressing of AES standards
This is a brief guide to the steps required for the development of AES standards from conception to publication.
AES standards template (.dot) AES standards template (.dotx)
This template document in MS Word ‘.dot’ and “.dotx’ formats provides a prepared set of paragraph styles and page layouts, and also contains information useful for practical standards writing. This template is updated from time to time; please make sure that you use the most recent.
Style for AES standards
This guide presents some special requirements and some relevant excerpts from ISO/IEC directives to guide drafting of AES standards.
Guide for officers
This practical guide for officers of the AESSC is under continuous review by the Steering Committee. The requirements for meeting reports has recently been clarified.
AES standards template (.dot) AES standards template (.dotx)
This template document in MS Word ‘.dot’ and “.dotx’ formats provides a prepared set of paragraph styles and page layouts, and also contains information useful for practical standards writing. This template is updated from time to time; please make sure that you use the most recent.