AES Standards development – Rules and Procedures

AES policy and guidelines - Standards and patent rights

This document, revised in 2022, describes the method by which patented or proprietary items may be incorporated into AES standards.

AES Patent Statement Form (.pdf)


AESSC policy

Policy has been updated according to decisions by the AES Board of Governors on 2018-10-13

AESSC operating procedures

Updated with changes made by board of governors on 2018-10-13.

AESSC rules

These rules were approved in July 1993 by the AESSC but are subject to revisions and additions. Clause 17 on Stabilized Documents was added following a ballot of the AESSC on 2007-07-17. Clause 13 on Supporting Contributors was amended following a ballot of the AESSC on 2013-01-31.

A general revision, approved following a ballot of the AESSC on 2014-04-08, updated the document to recognise the use of the AESSC web site and email reflectors, and to make clause numbering more helpful. In addition, clause 9 was substantially revised to clarify the AES patent policy, and new clauses were added to clarify our working language (12.0), and code of conduct (12.3). These rules are expected to be revised at the 2018 convention in New York.

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