Home / Community / AES Sections Wordwide / Starting An AES Section
As with any organization, there are a few formalities that are required in order to create and run an AES Section. Fortunately, there are established guidelines to make this process easier.
You should refer to the document Starting A Section. The procedure for initiating an official AES section is briefly summarised below.
You will need a minimum of ten members in good standing to start a new section, ideally more than this. Membership status should be checked with your regional vice president before your proposed section is approved, so be sure that they have paid their membership dues at least until the end of the calendar year. Your regional VP will need a copy of the proposed section’s membership list (include member name and AES membership number) before the section can be approved. This information can be entered into the AES_New_Section_Proposal_Information.xlsx spreadsheet.
Nominate and elect temporary officers to the post of Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Committeeperson(s). These temporary officers can continue in their role after section approval for the duration of whatever term you have specified in the bylaws, provided that they are formally elected by the membership at the first general meeting. Your regional VP will need a list of these new officers (office, names, email, AES Member number). This information can be entered into the AES_New_Section_Proposal_Information.xlsx spreadsheet.
This may seem like a lot to do, however it is the groundwork for developing a successful AES section. Once your section has been approved by the Board, you will need to continue to provide regular updates of your activities using the online meeting report form (accessible by section officers from the member portal). These may be published in the Journal and on the website. Details of current section officers and their contact information should be kept up to date using the online committee update form. Your regional VP will be pleased to assist you through this process.
We look forward to many rewarding years ahead.
Anthony Schultz, AES Regions and Sections Committee