Project Request
Anyone can request that a subject be considered for standardisation. This could include members of the public as well as members of existing AESSC groups. In practise, most projects are proposed by Working Groups.
Project requests may be entered using this on-line form, or by sending the equivalent information to the AES Standards secretariat. In either case, the proposal will need to be justified with reference to the project criteria, below.
Project Initiation
The responsibility for project approval and initiation belongs to the AESSC Subcommittees, to whom the various Working Groups report. The secretariat may contact you to clarify details of the proposal. The Subcommittee will need to confirm that the proposal and intended outcome are appropriate and sufficient to support an AESSC project. The completed proposal will be held on file, and may be revised by the Subcommittee.
A more detailed procedure in the form of a flowchart is available here as a PDF file.